Friday, April 10, 2009

Nicole Betrayed the Filipino People

Today is another disgrace in the annals of Philippine history. Suzette S. Nicolas aka "Nicole" recanted her testimony and in an affidavit disowned the fact that she was raped by U.S. marine corporal Daniel Smith. Her withdrawal was done for a measly P100,000 and a free visa to the U.S. by the U.S. government. If this prostitute really did this all for the money, she shouldnt have started all the fuss in the first place. As it turned out, the Filipino people were taken for a ride, and all along Nicole really had other plans on her mind, like emmigrating to the U.S. with her current American boyfriend (how many does she have?)This shameful act is a slap in the face of all Filipinas who have achieved positions of distinction on their own merit without having to spread their legs to foreigners. Nicole has cheapened the status of all Filipinas in the eyes of the whole world, as being bar maids who can be sexually assaulted and left half naked in her underwear in the street, and later praise her attacker and say that she was in reality "attracted" to him. Nicole's statement in her affidavit of desistance wherein she stated that Daniel Smith kissed her and held her breasts in the full presence of a van full of shouting marines and loud music blaring, is disgusting. She also states under oath that at the Neptune Club she sat on Daniel Smith's lap and kissed passionately and that she became "so intimate that [I] did more than just dancing." Is this normal public behavior? All this happened, while she was in a relationship with another U.S. marine Brian Goodrich. She was only 20 when all of this happened, which bespeaks the fact that prostitutes really start young nowadays.She states that there is no justice in the Philippines. True, if you decide to sell yourself out for money by the other side. The should be no justice actually for people like her who pervert the system by filing cases simply to extort money. She should be the one accused- of perjury, false testimony, and blackmail- not the marine. I wonder what kind of game Nicole is now playing with her current American boyfriend whom she now lives with in the U.S.? Nicole has betrayed her country and her people.Historically, there has not been a single case of any U.S. serviceman who has been charged and convicted for any crime committed in the Philippines. It's ironic how the "land of the free, with justice for all" seems to hold other countries by a different standard. Yes there is justice for all in the U.S., and if I may add- only for Americans.

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