Monday, December 21, 2009

Typhoon Ondoy Aftermath: The Case for Armed Citizens

In the last few days since the aftermath of the floods brought about by Typhoon Ondong, nearly ONE MILLION PEOPLE have been displaced. Chaos has reigned. As usual, there are no government, police or barangay personnel around to maintain law and order in the immediate vicinity of the affected areas. Along with the massive destruction and misery upon our people, now come the looters and thieves who would who see the absence of law and order as an opportunity to pillage the victims' properties. What irks me is that we have all seen this before; this is nothing new. We have never learned our lesson. During the Katrina disaster, wherein the entire city was forced to evacuate, there was also a breakdown of law and order which the local government was powerless to stop (as a result of Mayor Ray Nagin's house to house disarming of the population). In '92 we witnessed the Rodney King Riots in LA, wherein armed Korean shop owners in Central LA successfully protected their businesses from looting through neighborhood watch shifts. In the 80's the hurricanes in Fort Lauderdale, Florida likewise had the same social breakdown, rioting, and looting, with homeowners' families forced to wield rifles and shotguns to protect their homes. There are clear lessons to be learned here. The common denominator of people who survived and lived through these disasters is that the survivors were ARMED AND WILLING TO PROTECT THEIR HOMES AND BUSINESSES. Period.We cannot seem to learn the lesson, which seeps in everytime there is a disaster, that GOVERNMENT AND THE POLICE CANNOT PROTECT YOU ALWAYS, especially in a fastbreaking crisis such as this. More often than not, in such a crisis, the law enforcers are nowhere to be found, just like now. It is up to YOU to make it happen and protect yourself, your family, and your property. Having a gun in the house, no matter how abhorrent to some people, can certainly come in handy now - and more importantly may save lives and property.People in Provident Village and San Mateo take note: Walang po-protekta sa inyo kundi kayo din. Kayo na magbantay sa sarili ninyo wag na kayong umasa pa sa pulis at dadating nalang yung mga yan pag TAPOS na yung problema.

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